First Baptist Church of Port Crane
Daniel Baker, Pastor
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Sermon Notes, July 29, 2012
FBC-PC 7-29-12 AM
OUR PERSONAL MINISTRY 2 Corinthians 2 3 and 4
Our personal ministry (service) is what we do for God as a result of who we are in our daily walk and life.
If we are daily living close to God we will have ministry flowing out of our life and activities.
If we are not daily living close to God any ministry activity we try will have a false
ring to it. Paul describes the proper kind of ministry, which is the result, or outflow of a life lived
to the glory of God. Consider Col. 3:17; 1 Cor. 10:31 and Eph. 3:13-19; 4:11-16
An Honest Ministry 2:14-4:1,2
- To triumph in Christ everywhere 2:14
- To be a life unto life 2:15,16
- To be death unto the spiritually dead 2:16
- To preach (teach) the pure gospel 2:17
- To make men Epistles ( a letter or a communicator) of Christ 3:3
- To show the divine ability of the New Testament 3:6
- To give life (living water) 3:6; John 4:10
- To allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through us 3:8; 17-18
- To demonstrate righteousness in all our life 3:9
- To show His excellent glory 3:10-11
- To enjoy the true liberty and freedom in Christ 3:17; Gal. 5:1
- To be transformed from glory to glory (growth Eph. 4) 3:18
An Unselfish Ministry 4:3-6; John 16:12-15; Phil. 1:12-19
- It requires sacrifice in the face of resistance 4:3, 4; Phil. 1
- It requires serving for the Gospel's sake 4:5
- It requires a clear light and the Spirit's work 4:6; John 16
A Powerful Ministry 4:7
- In imperfect beings
- Filled by God's presence and power
- Not of ourselves
A Sufffering Ministry 4:8-12
- Types of suffering 8,9
- Example of suffering 10
- Application of suffering 11
- Benefit of suffering 12
A Faith Ministry 4:13-15
- Speak from faith (conviction) 13
- Knowledges increases faith 14 cf. Eph. 1:18-21
- Thanksgiving proves faith 15 cf. Eph. 5:20, 21
An Eternal Ministry 4:16-18
What we do today will affect our eternal enjoyment! Therefore:
- Faint not 16
- Renew your inner man by putting off/putting on Eph. 4:17-32
- Pain of labor is short; Rewards are for eternity 17
- Keep the right focus 18 cf. Phil. 3:13, 14
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Pastor's Personal E-mail:
648-4337 (Parsonage)
38 Canal Street
PO Box 33
Port Crane, NY 13833