First Baptist Church of Port Crane
Daniel Baker, Pastor & Wayne Morgan, Jr.


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Sept. 16, 2012   Wayne Morgan, Jr.
Sept. 2, 2012   AFFECTED (Sermon Notes Below)

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AFFECTED                                FBC-PC   9-02-12 AM

Adapted from pgs.163-166 - The Merciful God of Prophecy by Tim LaHaye


�The second coming of Christ occupies such an important place in Christianity it colors [affects] almost every element of the Faith. Whether we consider doctrine or practice, celebration or behavior, most everything in our faith anticipates the return of Jesus Christ. God tells us a great deal about the second coming in order to motivate us, encourage us and give us hope. Reflect on how the Bible weaves the return of Jesus into the fabric of our faith.�

AFFECT, v.t. [L. afficio, affectum, of ad and facio, to make; affecto, to desire, from the same room. Affect is to make to, or upon to press upon.]

  1. To act upon; to produce an effect or change upon; as, cold affects the body; loss affects our interests.
  2. To act upon, or move the passions; as, affected with grief.
  3. To aim at; aspire to; desire or entertain pretension to; as, to affect imperial sway.
    [See the etymology of Affair.]

IT AFFECTS THE LORD�S SUPPER � remembrance and anticipation.  (1 Corinthians 11:26; Matthew 26:28-29)
IT AFFECTS WORSHIP � gather and look forward.   (Hebrews 12:28)
PRAYER gathers focus and power when we focus on.   (1 Peter 4:7)

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