RISE OF THE JEWISH ANTICHRIST Revelation 13:11-18 FBC-PC 3-2 & 9-14 AM
Anti = against or in place of; hence Antigod or Antichrist
He will be a Jew? 13:11
He is a man like the first – (gr. Allos =same kind) vs.18
Out of the earth (Land) – Israel ?
He will be the False Prophet 16:13; 19:19-20; 20:10
Who is the true Prophet? Deut. 18:15; John 1:19-28He will be Antichrist and will come after the first Beast (Antigod) and will be his Prophet vs. 12; 16:13; 19:20;
He will come with a Lamb like appearance to deceive, but will speak like the dragon (Satan) vs. 12 cf. Rev. 5:5-7
He will exercise all the power of the first Beast vs. 2, 12; 19:20; 2 Thess. 2:8-12
He will cause men on the earth to worship the first Beast vs. 12; 17:8-11
He will do great miracles, even to calling down fire from heaven before men, counterfeiting God and His works. vs. 13; 19:19,20
He will deceive the people of earth by means of the miracles which he does in the sight of Antigod vs. 14a; 19:20
He will cause men to make an image of the 1st Beast to be worshipped
vs. 14b; 14:9-11; 15:2; 16:2; 20:4-6
He will have power to give life to the image, causing it to speak and do personal acts vs.15a; cp. Exodus 7:10-12
He will cause the image to cause everyone who will not worship the image of the beast to be killed vs. 15b; 7:9-17; 15:2; 20:4-6
He will cause men in the Kingdom of Antigod to take a mark, or then name, or the number of his name in their hand or forehead vs.16;14:9-11; 15:2; 16:2; 20:4-6
He will make a law that no one will be able to buy or sell if they do not have one of the marks of the beast vs. 17
He will be equal to the first beast in sending forth demon spirits, working through ambassadors, to gather the armies of the world together to Armageddon 16:13-16; 19:19-21
He will be taken with first beast Antigod at Armageddon to cast into the Lake of fire 19:20
He will still be in the Lake of Fire in conscious torment one thousand years later 20:10
Avoid all of this by receiving Christ as your Saviour today. John 1:12
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