THE BRIDEGROOM COMETH                                                                    FBC- PC 8-3 & 10-14 AM

Revelation 19:1-10

“In Response to the invitation of 18:20, John hears “a great voice of much people in heaven.” The chronological relationship of these experiences is obvious, with the voice in heaven following the destruction of Babylon in all its forms. The time therefore, must be just before the second coming of Christ.” – John Walvoord

I. THE HALLELUJAH CHORUS 19:1-6 The Salvation, The glory, The honor, and power of God. 4X “Alleluias”

A. Song celebrates the deliverance (Judgment of Babylon) of the Tribulation saints vs. 1-3

B. Scene in Heaven vs. 1-6

C. Object of worship is God

D. Groups giving praise vs. 1-6

1. Much peoples vs.1 cf. 7:9 same word (martyrs)

2. 24 Elders vs.4 church and

3. 4 Living creatures’ vs.4 Angels

3. A voice from the Throne – angel? Or the Great multitude v. 6 all saints

NOTE: It appears this passage takes us back to the principle characters of chapters 4 and 5 which seem to be where the church the bride was caught up to meet her Lord in Paradise. The Church is a chaste virgin waiting for her Bridegroom II Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:22-33


Have you heard of a bridegroom choosing a baby for his bride and then waiting for her to grow up to have the wedding? Cf. John 1:1-3 with Acts 2:1-21

Jewish Marriage Custom of Jesus’ Day

1. “Betrothal” – establishing a marriage covenant – cf. Joseph and Mary Matt. 1:18,19

Bridegroom initiated this, going from his fathers house to make a covenant with the bride’s father. They would argue a price and he would pay the price and establish a covenant and seal with a cup of wine.

(Jesus sealed the covenant for His bride with his own blood.) Then they would decide upon a period of separation during which the bridegroom would prepare a home for them.

2. At the appointed time the Bridegroom returns with escorts to take his bride to their new home. When they arrive back at new home guests are waiting to celebrate with them. John 2:1-10

3. Bride and Bridegroom enter the bridal chamber. She has been vailed until this time. There they consummate what had been covenanted previously.

4. The bridegroom announces the consummation to the wedding party who then announce it to all the guests. Then a seven day feast follows. During these 7 days the bride remains hidden from the guests in the bridal chamber. The groom then brings her out and presents her unveiled for all to see.

“The Harlot church of the Beast and chaste Bride of Christ cannot co-exist in earths Golden Age and so the great whore must be removed from the scene before the wife of the Lamb (Jesus) can come forth in her royal coronation gown.” –copied

Invitation to the Marriage Feast – forth coming marriage festival cause for rejoicing v.7 “…
for the marriage of the Lamb is come…”

A. Bride described v.8 Righteous=right deeds

B. Guests of the Bridegroom v.9

C. Bridegroom honored vs.10

Christ is the central theme of scripture and prophecy John 16:13--15 “emphasizes our
worship of Him”

Parting Thought: “In the Gospels Christ is revealed in suffering, humiliation, and death. In Revelation He is seen in triumph, glory, sovereignty and Majesty.” - John Walvoord